
To combat the burden of substandard, falsified and unauthorized medical products, USP, particularly through the PQM+ Program assists countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, to develop post-marketing surveillance (PMS) programs.

The PQM+ predecessor PQM program, had developed guidance for the implementation of risk-based PMS to help countries optimize the use of their financial and human resources, and ensure the sustainability of PMS programs. To further support the implementation of risk-based approaches during PMS activities, PQM+ developed the online Medicines Risk-based Surveillance (MedRS) tool. This tool automates into a single platform the science and practice of developing sampling protocols for post-marketing quality surveillance utilizing a risk-based approach. The tool applies risk management principles to evaluate multiple factors in several dimensions of risk to facilitate selection of medicine, geographic location as well as the facility/outlet within the supply chain for sample collection. The tool assists countries identify the most susceptible medicines to be collected, prioritize sampling to the most vulnerable locations and determine the number of samples required for a statistically significant assessment.

This tool also allows MRAs in LMICs to plan and implement Post-Market and Surveillance activities for vaccines.

New users are required to register before access to this tool can be granted. Training on ‘how to use this tool’ is recommended and can be arranged upon request.

Click below to view a “Demo Version” of the tool or to “Access the MedRS” tool.

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